The Dynamic Link between Teacher Effectiveness and Student Success in Secondary Education in Karachi


  • Nazir Ahmad Associate Professor, Department of Education, Fatimiyah Higher Education System, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Akram Mankash Principal, Hazrat Shahjahangir Academy (Faculty of English Language & Literature), Karachi, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Rozina Sewani Associate Professor, Department of Education and Social Sciences, Iqra University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.



Teacher Effectiveness, Communication Skills, Teaching Strategies, Feedback And Motivation


This study aims to examine the relationship between student accomplishment and teacher effectiveness to determine each student's unique needs and motivate them to learn. A sample of 150 teachers was selected by simple random sampling from all secondary school teachers in District Korangi, Karachi, Pakistan. In this study, teachers were surveyed quantitatively. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage were utilized in SPSS version 22 to evaluate the data. The study's findings showed that several factors, including instructors' desire to provide feedback, their use of classroom engagement techniques, their communication skills, their learning of soft skills, and their use of instructional tactics, are crucial to students' success and academic progress. According to the research, one of the best methods to raise kids' academic achievement is for teachers to play an influential role in the classroom. The study recommended that teachers use motivation, positive reinforcement, classroom management techniques, and communication skills to improve student learning.




How to Cite

Ahmad, N. ., Mankash, M. A. ., & Sewani, R. . (2024). The Dynamic Link between Teacher Effectiveness and Student Success in Secondary Education in Karachi. Journal of Social &Amp; Organizational Matters, 3(2), 14–26.


